The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research. Established in 1911, it is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world.
Bengaluru I Estd. 1980
The ICMR Regional Occupational Health Centre (Southern), located in Bengaluru Karnataka, was established as a regional unit of ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR-NIOH) in 1977, to strengthen research on occupational and environmental health.
Bengaluru I Estd. 2011
ICMR-NCDIR works to develop and sustain national research databases on various diseases including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke, by leveraging recent advances in information technology.
Kolkata, West Bengal
The ICMR-Centre for Ageing and Mental Health (CAMH) does research on mental health and ageing associated health issues.
Kolkata, West Bengal I Estd. 1962
ICMR-NIRBI (Formerly known as ICMR-NICED) conducts basic and applied research on Cholera and other acute diarrhea diseases as well as on typhoid fever, infective hepatitis and HIV.
Sri Vijaya Puram I Estd. 1983
ICMR-RMRCSVP carries out biomedical research on locally prevalent communicable and noncommunicable diseases with a special emphasis on the health problems of indigenous tribal population of the region.
New Delhi
Delhi I Estd. 1980
ICMR-NICHDR (Formerly known as ICMR-NIP) conducts basic and applied research on various aspects of pathology (including histopathology, cytopathology and molecular pathology) to address health problems of national importance.
Delhi I Estd. 1977
ICMR-NIRDHDS (Formerly known as ICMR-NIMS) supports the development, application, and dissemination of statistical sciences in medicine through research, education, publications and advocacy. It also provides technical assistance to institutes across india.
Delhi I Estd. 1977
ICMR-NIMR conducts basic, applied and operational field research to find short-term and long-term solutions for malaria and other vector-borne diseases like dengue and chikungunya.
Bhubaneshwar I Estd. 1981
ICMR-RMRCBB conducts interdisciplinary research on regionally prevailing communicable and non-communicable diseases, provides support in disease surveillance activities in the form of epidemic investigation and diagnosis, evaluation and training.
Gorakhpur I Estd. 2018
ICMR-RMRC GKP is responsible for carrying out basic clinical, as well as operational research on locally prevalent diseases and suggesting intervention methods for reducing disease burden.
Dibrugarh I Estd. 1982
ICMR-RMRC NE conducts interdisciplinary research on prevailing communicable and non-communicable diseases in the North-East and provides support in disease surveillance activities in the form of epidemic investigation and diagnosis, evaluation and training.
Mumbai I Estd. 1970
ICMR-NIRRCH works to improve women’s reproductive health as well as address child health issues through research, education, and healthcare services.
Mumbai I Estd. 1957
ICMR-NIIH conducts multidisciplinary research related to immunohaematology, offers diagnostic services, and provides training to medical and non-medical professionals in the field of hematology, immunology, and genetics.
Hyderabad I Estd. 1918
ICMR-NIN conducts research on nutrition and related fields to generate high-quality evidence for tackling important public health nutrition challenges.
Hyderabad I Estd. 2016
ICMR-NARFBR pursues and supports basic and pre-clinical research on laboratory animals in the areas of developmental biology, reproductive biology, neurobiology, behavioral sciences, cardiology, stem cell, molecular cell biology, immunology and virology.
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh I Estd. 1998
The Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, is a multi-specialty tertiary care centre, set up to provide medical facilities to all registered gas victims, and also carry out basic clinical and epidemiological research in all disciplines.
Bhopal I Estd. 2010
ICMR-NIREH focuses on conducting biomedical research on environmental health issues and building capacity to address environmental health challenges.
Chennai I Estd. 1955
ICMR-NIRT carries out research on all aspects (clinical, bacteriological, epidemiological, behavioural and laboratory) of tuberculosis and HIV-TB, with a focus on treatment, prevention, and control.
Chennai I Estd. 1999
ICMR-NIE conducts epidemiological studies, helps develop human resources in epidemiology and biostatistics, and coordinates between various ICMR and non-ICMR Institutes at the national level for epidemiological purposes.
Jabalpur I Estd. 1984
ICMR-NIRTH conducts research on health issues that affect India’s tribal populations, including nutritional disorders, communicable and non-communicable diseases prevalent in tribal communities, and environmental health problems.
Jodhpur I Estd. 2019
ICMR-NIIRNCD carries out implementation research in non-communicable diseases, develops behavior change communication materials, and creates models for tackling risk factors of various non communicable diseases.
Noida I Estd. 1979
ICMR-NICPR conducts basic, clinical, and applied research related to the common cancers that are prevalent in India, involving medical and community practice with an emphasis on early detection and prevention.
Patna I Estd. 1984
ICMR-RMRIMS conducts research on various aspects of Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar), HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and other tropical diseases.
Puducherry I Estd. 1975
ICMR-VCRC is engaged in basic and applied research with the primary objective of finding newer methods and developing strategies for the control of vector borne diseases.
Pune, Maharashtra I Estd. 1992
ICMR-NITVAR (Formerly known as ICMR-NARI) conducts research on HIV prevention and care, and supports the National AIDS Control Programme, in the areas of surveillance, capacity-building, laboratory services and drug resistance studies.
Pune I Estd. 1952
ICMR-NIV undertakes comprehensive research on viruses of public health concern, helps conduct outbreak investigations and monitor the spread of viral diseases, and contributes to the development of vaccines.
Agra I Estd. 1976
ICMR-NJILOMD conducts research on leprosy, tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, HIV, and has also commenced research on other diseases such as filariasis.
Ahmedabad I Estd. 1969
ICMR-NIOH conducts research and disseminates knowledge on occupational and environmental health with the aim to provide a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment to workers of all occupations. It has two Regional Centres at Kolkata and Bengaluru.
Belagavi I Estd. 2006
ICMR-NITM works to facilitate the integration of traditional medicinal practices with modern health systems through research, human resource development, and outreach activities.
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