Centre For Advanced Research

This scheme was formulated to encourage in-depth research on an identified research problem with the aim of generating new knowledge and having a better understanding of a disease or a health condition. The activities could focus on one or multiple aspects like causation, progression, management, and prevention

A scientist with outstanding achievements and recognition in a given field can approach ICMR with a specific proposal. Alternatively the ICMR identifies the specific research need and calls for applications from selected individuals/centres in the country which have proven excellence in the area and have the necessary infrastructure to carry out further work.

Assistance is provided to Principal Investigator(PI) to continue and expand the work with the aim that the facility so created would continue to function even after the funding is over. After completion of the project, the host institution would be expected to take over the activities of the Centre as permanent activity.

Generally CARs are located in Medical Colleges, non-ICMR Institutes and Universities where there is evidence of definite research advancement in a given area, assurance of local support and maximum facilities. CAR should serve as a training centre and should be able to develop cadre of trained personnel and also provide infrastructure facilities for carrying out health research in other institutions.

A condition, specific to CARs is that the PI should not be transferred for the duration of CAR to maintain continuity

There is no prescribed format for making the application, however, it is expected that the application would highlight the existing expertise and infrastructure and need for the CAR. Detailed proposal with budget requirement on the pattern of adhoc research application form may be submitted.