ICMR Scheme For MD/MS-PhD Programme

(25 slots/year)

Indian Council of Medical Research V.ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911 , New Delhi -110029

Division Of Human Resource Development

ICMR being an apex research agency for formulation, coordination and promotion of Biomedical Research in the country is also engaged in promoting critical mass of human resources as well as fostering research temperament amongst medical graduates. Amongst its several Human Resource Development programmes the Council has reinstituted Talent search scheme of providing financial support to selected 'Medical Graduates/ Postgraduates'. The scheme has the approval of its Governing Body (GB) held on 2nd August 2000 and 11th July 2003.

The programme is designed to identify young medical graduates with brilliant academic records for pursuing postgraduate qualifications & to motivate them to opt for career in its research cadre. The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of a competitive National level examination consisting of a written test conducted at 3 or 4 Centres in the country. The candidate passing all MBBS examination in the first attempt with 60% or more aggregate marks will be eligible for the examination.collaborations.

Under this programme, the selected medical graduates would be provided financial assistance for 4-5 years and a total of 25 fellowships will be available per year. (Programme is ongoing at three Centres viz., King George's Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow; National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru and SRIHER (Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research), Chennai .

The highlights of scheme are as follows:
  • The Council will provide financial support equivalent to Junior Resident's salary+ allowances on a running pay scale for 3 years followed by Senior Resident's salary + allowances on a running pay scale for 2 years to selected candidates.
  • Number of Awards: Limited to 25 per year.
  • Eligibility: Medical graduates who are selected and admitted through national level test to the MD/MS-PhD courses in above stated (three) MCI recognized Institute/College and who wish to avail of the ICMR award for pursuing their research project. 
  • Upper age limit: Max.45 years. 
The scheme would be widely publicized though advertisement in leading news papers, circulars to the medical institutions and ICMR website once a year. This will be the responsibility of the host organization.
A nominee from Director General, ICMR should be placed in the interview.
It will be done through written competition followed by interview.
Selection would be made on the basis of merit. In the event of leaving this scheme without completing the programme the whole amount will be remitted to the Council with suitable justifications.
The candidate and the guide will indicate their choice of the research topic and will give a brief description of the objectives, methodology, design of the study, expected outcome, relevant and recent literature review, ethical considerations and facilities available at the Host institute for conducting the research study as per the proposed protocol and an undertaking by the Head of the institute that the candidate will be permitted to undertake the proposed research activity (within two years).
The scheme would be widely publicized though advertisement in leading news papers, circulars to the medical institutions and ICMR website once a year. This will be the responsibility of the host organization.
a). An undertaking to the effect that the funds received from the Council will be used strictly for the purpose for which it has been released, and in the event of leaving this scheme without completing the programme the whole amount will be remitted to the ICMR with suitable justifications.
b). A surety bond will be executed by the candidates entering into the programme on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper.
c). The original certificates will be retained and it will not be returned to the candidates before completion of the course unless he /she deposits a sum of Rs. 50,000/-.
A copy of the award letter issued by the Vice chancellor / Director of institute.
A copy of the thesis protocol submitted to the University/Institute as a part of the research programme.
An electronic copy of the same.
A short summary of the thesis (2-5 pages) prepared by him, outlining the objectives, methodology, findings and discussion.
Part-I thesis to be submitted for fulfillment of requirement of MD/MS at two and half years (2½), from the joining date and examination at three years for MD degree after acceptance of thesis by two examiners (for MD+Ph.D.)
Part-II thesis (final) to be submitted for fulfillment of Ph.D. degree at four and half years (4½) from the joining date and thesis defense at five years after acceptance of thesis by three examiners (for MD+Ph.D.)
If registered for Ph.D. after completing MD (condition 2.6 & 2.7 is not applicable). However in this case, the total duration of MD-Ph.D. fellowship will be three years only, instead of five years. Final Ph.D. thesis to be submitted after completion of three years.
If registered for Ph.D. after MBBS (condition 2.6 & 2.7 is applicable)
The selected fellows will be given Junior Resident's grade salary+ allowances on a running pay scale for three years followed by Senior Resident's grade salary + allowances on a running pay scale for two years & contingency grant of Rs.1,00,000/- per annum (for point no. 2.8 contingency will be for three years only). The financial assistance would be provided in yearly installments. Statement of expenditure will be required for releasing next installment.
Same rules and regulations will be followed as existent for Junior Residents/Senior Residents in Central Government Institutions/Autonomous Institutes.
The grant shall be released in the name of the Head of the Institute directly with a copy to the Guide and the candidate.
The amount will be used by the candidate for pursuance of research and may use the funds for purchase of reagents, preparation of thesis, secretarial assistance or any other activity connected with the research project following fair and reasonable procedure.
Utilization Certificate has to be submitted to ICMR regarding the manner in which the funds were utilized duly signed by the Accounts Officer and Head of the Institute/college.
The fellowship can be terminated at any time on a month's notice, if the progress of work is not satisfactory or on receipt of an adverse report from the Guide. The fellowship can be terminated forthwith, if the particulars given in the application form for fellowship are found to be incorrect or false.
The local institutional committee (approved by ICMR) and Guide should review his/her case annually whether extension for another year should be given. The Director-General, ICMR, will make the final decision on grant of extension.
The preparation and submission of thesis will be the responsibility of the student and his/her guide. Candidate is required to publish minimum five papers/publications in International indexed Journal. The candidate will acknowledge the fellowship provided by ICMR for any publications emerging out of the thesis work.
The candidate should submit documents listed in item No.2.1 within given period to the institution/organization failing which, the award will be treated cancelled and all financial assistance provided will be reimbursed to the DG, ICMR.
  • Selection of candidates at the sole discretion of Council.
  • The scheme can be withdrawn at any time.
  • This scheme is not linked with any other research capacity building schemes under which the students are in receipt of stipend etc.