Intramural Grants



Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) provides financial assistance to ICMR institutes to conduct research based on its mandate and priorities. The intramural programme of ICMR intends to encourage high risk, high reward research from ICMR scientists.

There are two types of Intramural Research Grants:

1. Early-career Small Research Support Grant

2. Intra-Mural Research Grant


Funding: 30 lacs per project

Duration: Maximum 3 years

All new ICMR scientists are eligible for a one-time special research support grant to conduct a project on a priority topic. This grant requires mentorship from a senior ICMR scientist (minimum Scientist E level) and a non-ICMR scientist, with thorough review and approval by the institutional SAC.

This seed grant aims to help newly recruited scientists establish themselves and secure future funding.

Funding:Up to 8 crores per project (for entire duration) and 30 crore per Institute (every year)

Duration: Maximum 4 years

Projects should be designed as Institute- initiated rather than Investigator-initiated to reflect the vision and mandate of the specific ICMR Institute. Each Institute should identify up to five key priorities and submit projects accordingly.

Research can focus on Communicable Diseases, Non-Communicable Diseases, or Reproductive, Child Health & Nutrition. Any Institute may apply for projects in any area if it aligns with their institutional priorities.

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