Technology For Collaboration

Sr. No.TitleDocument
41Nested RT-PCR Kit for Diagnosis of Kyasanur forest diseaseNoneOpen Document ( 93.36 KB) View
42Real-time RT-PCR Kit for Diagnosis of Kyasanur forest diseaseNoneOpen Document ( 94.06 KB) View
43Anti- Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) Human IgM ELISA KitNoneOpen Document ( 93.41 KB) View
44Novel Technology for Testing Water for Presence of Water-borne VirusesNoneOpen Document ( 93.37 KB) View
45An improved alcoholic composition derived from Tea and its method of preparationNoneOpen Document ( 135.37 KB) View
46A Novel Fumigation technique for antibacterial actionNoneOpen Document ( 119.05 KB) View
47A PCR method for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatisNoneOpen Document ( 186.26 KB) View
48A Thermoluminescent dosimeter by co-doping with Mn for measurement of low radiation dosesNoneOpen Document ( 229.54 KB) View
49A novel molecular diagnostic technique for detecting different species of PlasmodiumNoneOpen Document ( 95.41 KB) View
50A box trainer for neuro-endoscopyNoneOpen Document ( 95.54 KB) View
51Neuro-Drill-Stencil-Trainer.NoneOpen Document ( 100.52 KB) View
52Albuminated Curcumin for application in cancer therapy.NoneOpen Document ( 156.72 KB) View
53Fibrin wafer/disc as a biological carrier for sustained delivery of CurcuminNoneOpen Document ( 168.78 KB) View
54Flyash based mosquito larvicidal formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensisNoneOpen Document ( 173.27 KB) View
55Improved process for the production of Cyclosporin A using the fungus Tolypocladium spNoneOpen Document ( 307.21 KB) View
56Herbal Immersion Oil for MicroscopyNoneOpen Document ( 180.47 KB) View
57Nano-engineered biodegradable polymer-composite for bone soft tissue fixationNoneOpen Document ( 129.82 KB) View
58A compound, Transitmycin, effective against bacterial and viral pathogensNoneOpen Document ( 121.23 KB) View
59Multiplex real time PCR testing kit for the simultaneous detection of hepatitis virusNoneOpen Document ( 148.31 KB) View
60Herbal formulation for the treatment of Typhoid fever and preparation thereofNoneOpen Document ( 21.94 KB) View