
Our scientists bring forth their wealth of knowledge, expertise, and innovation to tackle pressing health challenges. Their commitment to evidence-driven change results in high-quality research that advances the country's progress towards a healthier and more prosperous future for all.

Search for ICMR Scientists

NameDesignationInstituteArea Of Work
Anju BansalScientist FICMR National Institute of Child Health and Development Research (NICHDR), New Delhi

Tumour Biology, Oncopathology, Molecular Oncology in areas of prostate cancer, breast cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer

Anukumar BalakrishnanScientist FICMR National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune

Immunology Virology Molecular biology

Anuradha Mishra TripathyScientist FICMR National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune

Hepatitis, Chikungunya, Vaccine, Immunopathogenesis, Immune correlates of protection, Bio markers in viral diseases

Anushree Devashish PatilScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health (NIRRCH), Mumbai

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Maternal Health Cervical cancer screening

Aparna MukherjeeScientist FICMR Headquarters, New Delhi

Pediatrics, Tuberculosis, Clinical Research, Multidisciplinary Research

Asim SahaScientist FICMR Centre for Ageing & Mental Health (CAMH), Kolkata

Respiratory health, occupational injury epidemiology, environmental health

Atul JunejaScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Digital Health and Data Science (NIRDHDS), Delhi

Biostatistics, Clinical Trials Registry

Ayesha IsmailScientist FICMR National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad

Non classical functions of vitamin D Diet & Cancer

Banu Rekha V VScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Chennai


Bhakti Rajesh PathakScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health (NIRRCH), Mumbai

Cellular and Structural Biology, Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology

Biswa Jyoti BorkakotiScientist FICMR Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Dibrugarh

Microbiology, Virology & Bioinformatics

C P Girish KumarScientist FICMR National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE), Chennai

Communicable disease surveillance, Public health microbiology, Antimicrobial resistance

C PonnurajaScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Chennai


Chandra Shekhar LalScientist FICMR Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences (RMRIMS), Patna


D BaskaranScientist FICMR National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT), Chennai


Deepa BishtScientist FICMR National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases (ICMR-NJILOMD), Agra

Mycobacterial Proteomics & Drug Delivery Systems

Deepti ParasharScientist FICMR National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune

Molecular diagnostics, genetic characterization, antiviral testing and siRNA based delivery systems for chikungunya virus

Devendra Singh ChauhanScientist FICMR National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases (ICMR-NJILOMD), Agra

Molecular epidemiology of mycobacterial infections, genomics, Tuberculosis and Leprosy

Dipankar BiswasScientist FICMR Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Dibrugarh

Influenza, Other respiratory viruses, outbreak investigations

Diwakar Singh DineshScientist FICMR Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences (RMRIMS), Patna

Vector Biology & Control